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Research & evidence

Digital technology has revolutionised healthcare – and continues to do so. It helps make services open and accessible while reducing costs.  Vitally, it also improves health outcomes.

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a science dedicated to the understanding of human behaviour.

  • Applied – meaningful to society and individuals lives
  • Behaviour – anything an organism does that can be observed and measured
  • Analysis – demonstrating a functional relationship between environmental events and behaviour change

One of the most recognised applications of ABA is in the field of autism and there are over fifty years of empirical research evidencing the efficacy of ABA for individuals with a diagnosis of autism. ABA is widely accepted as a safe and effective method of intervention, overseen by the Behaviour Analyst Certification Board (BACB). Read more information on ABA.


ABA Pathfinder has been built on the proven results for parent-led intervention programmes and telepractice.  Telepractice means using technology to bring clinicians and patients together and is particularly popular in the U.S. Many research papers have looked at the effectiveness of telepractice and parent-led programmes for children and young people with ASD. Even though it’s a relatively new method of treatment for autism, the vast majority of studies have found it to be effective. Below are some research papers if you’d like to know more about telepractice and ASD.

  • A recent study by Pickles et al., (2016) found that parent-led therapy programmes were effective in improving the symptoms and behaviours of children with autism. The video-aided intervention meant that parents worked with a therapist who would monitor interactions between the parent and child and provide important feedback on how to identify opportunities for communication and improve parent-child interaction. At the start of the trial, 50% of those in the control group and 55% of the intervention group were assessed as severely autistic. At the six year follow up, the control group assessed as severely autistic increased to 63%, compared to a decrease to 46% for the intervention group.
  • A study by Boivert et al., (2012) used two clinical case studies involving individuals with ASD to determine if telepractice is a practical method of service delivery. Results demonstrated that both the service user receiving the services, and the treating clinician receiving consultative services via telepractice, demonstrated an increased skill level in identified areas.

  •  Another study by Boisvert et al., (2010) studied behaviour analysts and psychologists in the delivery of services via telepractice to 46 participants with ASD. Delivery included behavioural assessments, supervision of behavioural interventions and the implementation of comprehensive early intervention programmes. Results suggested that telepractice is a promising service delivery approach in the treatment of individuals with ASD.

  • Baharav & Reiser (2010) compared a traditional clinical model (face-to-face therapy sessions) with a telepractice-based model. Results found that developments made from a traditional therapy session can be maintained and even exceeded by telepractice delivery. Parents said that telepractice sessions were as valuable as those delivered face-to-face by the clinician, felt comfortable using the technology, and wanted to continue to use telepractice with their children at home. These results suggest that telepractice is a promising method of intervention.

  •  Neely,Rispoli, Gernow et al., (2016) evaluated the effects of telepractice on preschool children with ASD. Behavioural professionals were taught to implement a telepractice programme including an online module and video conferencing. Results showed that following the telepractice training programme, key skill areas increased. 
  • A 12-week parent intervention programme using telepractice was tested by Vismara, Young & Rogers (2012) with nine families with a child diagnosed with ASD.  Parents developed necessary skills needed to implement the programme and were happy with the support and ease of telepractice learning.

ABA Pathfinder

ABA Pathfinder is a parent-led online ABA programme, that brings an ABA Consultant into your home using video technology. Parents lead the programme, collecting data on identified behaviours and skills using a smartphone or tablet. The ABA Consultant has full oversight of the programme, consistently analysing data and refining the programme to ensure progress is made and goals are met.