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Suitability & assessment

Understanding how a self-delivery ABA programme works will give you the best opportunity for success. We include some key considerations below before you embark on a programme.  There are also initial clinical criteria we need to assess against your suitability for ABA Pathfinder.





The assessment is the first step towards developing an individual behavioural plan, which will be created by a qualified ABA consultant. Completing the assessment will take about half an hour and can be done in more than one sitting; there is help available as you go through the form. 

The information you give will be vital in helping our clinical team match the right person to your programme and make sure it’s set up to achieve the things you want it to.

There is a one-off fee of £250 once you have completed the assessment form, which covers a consultant reviewing your submission and developing your unique ABA Pathfinder programme plan. Remember, there’s no obligation to start an annual ABA Pathfinder programme after receiving your plan.

Once the completed assessment has been submitted we’ll contact you to set up a time to speak to one of our clinical team. This will happen within five working days after we receive your submission.

Please tell us whether you’re interested in ABA Pathfinder for your child or for yourself:

parent interest

youth interest


If you have already started the assessment you can login to continue: