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University 18yrs+

University 18yrs+

Now 18 years old, Ned is smartly dressed in the latest high-street fashion and greatly enjoys reading <GENRE?> books. Until last summer, he attended a specialist Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) school for children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). At this time his parents (?) approached Beam to support Ned, generalising skills learnt at school into a home and community context and helping him acquire new life skills to become more independent as he grows into a young adult.

“Mum and Dad wanted Ned to access the community and become more involved in their home life”

“We created an ABA programme to cover two home sessions per week,” says his Beam supervisor. “Mum and Dad wanted Ned to access the community and become more involved in their home life so we built the programme around this.” Ned learnt about money at school but in a classroom setting. Shopping with the Beam support team, he was able to gain real-life experience learning to queue, greet shop workers, get the right money ready and waiting for change. For Ned, engaging in new things bought about anxiety, so the support team needed to take things at his speed, offering him access to those things he most enjoyed and felt comfortable doing both as a reinforcement and when he needed time to relax.

This September Ned started college. He is enjoying courses on <What?> and <What?>. Beam continues to support him, liaising with tutors to ensure he is happy and motivated to attend, and continuing his ABA programme during sessions after the college day and on days when he doesn’t attend. During these sessions the focus in on life-skills such as cooking, doing the laundry and generally helping out around the home.